Wednesday 22 April 2009

My Carbon footprints

Carbon footprint: A carbon footprint is the amount of green house gases produced by an individual, organization or a product. Other words which means carbon footprint are ecological footprint, indirect carbon emission, life cycle analysis.

I measured my carbon footprint from this website And it was 4.67, which means that I am living as if we have 4.67 plants of Earth. The process of measuring our carbon footprint was simple; we had to answer some questions that reflect our life. Whether we live a healthy life or a unhealthy life we still produce carbon. The questions included the type of food we eat, the way we travel and how we live and types of our houses. What I understood is that if we are living a life where we don’t travel and we don’t eat meat and we live in houses that are small we would produce less carbon; in my point of view it does not make sense. After all the students finished the test that gave us our carbon footprint I found myself to be the 4th highest emitter of carbon between the students; the average indirect carbon emission of our class was 3.67 and my carbon footprint is higher so I am ranked to be above average. The average of indirect carbon emission of my country is ranked to be the highest in the world, so this means that my carbon emission is one of the highest emissions through the whole world.

In order to decrease my carbon emission I should change some points in my life. The thing that I do which I think increases my carbon emission is driving, I usually drive a lot, and it is like a hobby. Other than that I would not stop eating meat and use a bus for the rest of my life. I think it is absurd.

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