Monday 2 March 2009

An introduction to Global warming.

What is Global warming?

Frankly it is the gradual increase of the earth’s temperature. Many people relate natural disasters to global warming. Tsunami, the huge storm that hit the shores of Sri Lanka was caused by a volcanic eruption in Indonesia but many simple minded people related it to global warming.

Average global temperature may increase by 1.4-5.8ºC by the end of the 21st century. The numbers may seem to be minute but they have a great effect on the world. The difference between an ice age and an ice free age is about 5ºC only; that’s how important one global degree Celsius is. This increase in temperature may lead to precipitation, warmer oceans, and sea level is expected to increase. Humans and animals could be affected too; many animals cannot survive in warm environments. Germs can reproduce in hot weather 80% faster than cold weather, disease such as malaria can spread easily due to global warming. That’s how human health may be affected.

Green projects are starting world-wide and even here in the UAE. The Masdar City which would be 100% green, would not be affected by the global warming. People are trying to find a way to solve this problem but sarcastically there is no effective solution.